
Monday, May 19, 2014

Final Home Tour

Oh my gosh you guys.  Moving with a full time job is not a joke.  Melissa and I had about a month and a half of lease overlap, but we still found ourselves moving stuff to the very last minute!  So I'm sorry it's been about forever and a day since you've heard from me.  I have not had one spare minute to sit down and do some blogging!

I am so happy the moving process is finally all done though, and even happier to be fully living in our new apartment with all of our stuff.  But now begins the never ending task of unpacking and really setting everything up... moving never really ends.

But since we are completely moved out of the old apartment, I thought I'd share one last look at that place.  We definitely did not get every room finished to where we had planned, but that apartment definitely came a long way since we moved in.  This is what my apartment looked like one week before we began moving.  To see where each room started, you can go here.

I am going to warn you now, this post is very picture heavy!

Our entryway really took shape in this apartment.  When we moved in, we just had a simple side table to serve as a drop spot.  With the addition of an entryway bench, some hooks and a hanging organizer, this little area really packed a lot of organized-entry punch by the end.

We still kept the original side table, but gave it a little makeover to bring some happy color to this space.  I totally meant to share that transformation with you guys, but almost a year later and we still haven't gotten around to the final coat of polycrilic... oops!

After you walk in the front door, straight ahead is the doorway to our kitchen.  Since I waited until the last minute, a few pictures of the kitchen and the bathroom (which you'll see later) are from a couple months prior.  We didn't do any major changes in these rooms since then though, so you still get the basic idea of how things ended up.

To maximize space in our tiny kitchen, we used a long rod to hang frequently used cooking utensils and a few other things.  This way, those things were right at hand, but took up none of the limited counter space.

We had a nice little nook on the right side of our kitchen.  We hung up our magnetic spice rack, setup our small appliances on our island/bar and hung a shelf to store our pots and pans.

Back out of the kitchen is our living room, off to the right as you come in the front door.  One of my favorite areas of this apartment was the gallery wall that hung around the bookcase and couch.  A few of the frames never quite got updated pictures, but that is high on the to-do list for the new place.

Once we got rid of our extra couches and settled on a final furniture layout for the living room, we didn't do too much to it.

Again, we have some big plans in store for the new apartments living room, which involves replaces a fair amount of furniture.  We've already made some progress, and I can't wait to show you guys how its looking and what my plans are for this new room!

Our old living room was quite spacious, once I accepted the fact that I did not need three sofas and two large armchairs.  The living room is actually the one room in the new apartment that is slightly lacking on square footage.  So while I'll miss having such a huge living room, I'm more excited about making our new living room into a truly inviting and relaxing space.

I definitely won't miss the dining room in this apartment.  I really dislike having two rooms kinda-sorta-but-not-really connected.  The dining space was an awkward shape, and always felt more like a larger hallway area to me.  I never really liked how our furniture was set up in this room, but couldn't really figure out any other way to do it.

I also hope to add some more color to our next dining room, because this corner especially was seriously lacking any sort of color or personality.  I would love to eventually get the time to redo the table and chairs.  I go back and forth on doing something to the wood, but I definitely want to at least reupholster the chairs.

The other side of the wall just had a few pieces of furniture lined up on it.  This was Melissa's office area, as well as where our china cabinet went.  Since it was in such a random space out in the open, Melissa didn't utilize her desk that much.  Both of us are super excited to have a designated office area away from distractions to work in at the new apartment.

Through the hallway at the end of the dining room and to the left was our bathroom.  Again these pictures were taken a while ago, but we didn't do a single thing to the bathroom since they were taken.

The bathroom was another room that never really took shape.  When we moved in, I was still loving the idea of a black and white bathroom.  However, since apartment bathrooms tend to be on the smaller side, I think I may want to eliminate the black elements in the new place, so our bathroom can be lighter and airier.

We did end up making a small piece of art here, which I still love and will definitely be finding a new home for in the new apartment.  You can see how this cute frame collage was made here.

Besides the touch of personality that frame added, the bathroom was pretty basic and boring.

Back into the hallway and at the very back of the apartment is our bedroom.  Our bedroom was mainly made up of the decor from my high school bedroom.  So it was pink... very pink.  I promised Melissa that when we moved, we could finally get rid of all the pink and have a true grown up bedroom.  Although I will miss my pink oasis, I have to say I was ready to see it go.

You can see how we made the canvases hanging above the bed here.

The entire right side of the bedroom pretty much ended up being my office/craft area.  Having such a large desk, it really did take up a huge chunk of the not large to begin with bedroom.  Again... so excited to have a dedicate office in the new apartment.

On the other side of my room is my vanity.  I've had this since high school and absolutely love it.  Now that we're getting rid of the pink, I am super excited to make it over again, this time with an adult appearance.  I have so many ideas in my head, I don't know where I'll land, but I can't wait to find out!

The entire left wall of our bedroom was taken up by doors to the huge connected closet.  My side was on the left, Melissa's was on the right.

Even with a walk in closet, I definitely still had to cram all my junk in every square inch.  I have been in the process of purging and getting rid of as much unnecessary stuff as I can in the last couple of months.  So hopefully I can actually enjoy the spaciousness of the walk in closet in the new place, and not just stuff it to the brim like I did this one.

Melissa's side wasn't nearly as stuffed as mine, but by the time we moved, it was definitely heading in that direction.  With our new larger closet, I really hope to add in some awesome organization to make sure things don't get out of hand and crazy in the new space as well.

And there is what our apartment looked like one week before we took it all apart, boxed it all up and moved to our brand spankin' new dream home!  Our old place wasn't the most luxurious or spacious apartment ever built, but it was home for two years, and for that it will always have a special place in my heart.  It's always sad to end one chapter of life, but I am definitely excited to see what this next chapter has in store for us!

I hope you liked taking a final peak around this apartment, and I will be back soon with an update on where we are in the new place!

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