
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Introducing FindingMore!

Hello everyone!  Today I have a very exciting announcement to share with you guys.  For those of you who are frequent visitors around Label Me Organized, you already know Melissa.  For those you you who may be new, Melissa is my girlfriend.  She's also known as the person who just nods her head and says "ok honey, whatever you say" when I tell her I think it's about time we got around to alphabetizing the spice rack.

For the last couple of months, Melissa has been working on getting her own project up and running.  After tons of work and many (many) trips to Best Buy, Melissa has launched her very own YouTube channel, FindingMore!  I could not be happier for her, and could not be more excited to share the fun, goofy girl I get to spend my life with, with the rest of the world.

FindingMore will be all about finding the fun in life and in the everyday.  Melissa will be sharing her experiences with getting the most out of life, as you follow along with her everyday life.  Melissa is such a positive and hilarious person, I know she will be a great source of entertainment and inspiration.  FindingMore will cover a variety of topics, as she shares her life and adventures, but will focus on making the most out of life and finding fun wherever you can.  Here is a taste of what FindingMore will be about:

Melissa has been such a huge supporter of everything I do here on Label Me Organized.  She has been my sounding board, my cheerleader, my source of advice and so much more.  So I hope you all will join me in supporting her, and her exciting new endeavor into the world of YouTube!

Also if you ever wanted to see me attempt to drive a stick shift... you'll definitely want to subscribe, as that video will be making its debut shortly ;).

If you're interested in following along, or want to check out some of the videos she's uploaded already you can find FindingMore here:

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