
Monday, November 10, 2014

Welcome to My Blog's Awkward Teen Years

Surprise!!  If you're viewing this in your browser, you can see there are some big changes happening to my little blog (if you're reading this via email or a feed reader, you can see what all the fuss is about here - if you don't see anything different wait a few minutes and refresh the page).  I have been working non-stop behind the scenes for a while now to make this happen.  As of today, Label Me Organized is officially becoming Label Me Merrit!!  And I am so excited to finally be able to spill the beans, and share this with all of you! Label Me Merrit: A lifestyle blog inspiring women to build the life of their dreams As you can see, things aren't fully settled over here.  Originally, the plan had been to do this whole switch-aroo behind the scenes, then pop out with a beautiful brand new website and go "tada!".  Turns out, that is next to impossible to do (and I'm impatient).  So instead, I am now taking the awkward blog puberty route.  So please excuse the voice cracks and gangly limbs you may be seeing around here for the next couple of weeks.  I'm working as fast as I can to get the new site in tip top shape!  Until then, please bear with me while I go through my blog's awkward teenage years. So, what is involved in this big blog transformation you may wonder?  Well, for a while now, I have been feeling as though I have outgrown the name 'Label Me Organized'.  When I originally started the blog a little over two years ago, my intentions and goals were vastly different than what they are today.  Since I've been blogging, the content I share has grown and expanded.  I no longer felt that the title "Label Me Organized" would adequately represent the type of information you would find on my little corner of the internet. Label Me Merrit: A lifestyle blog inspiring women to build the life of their dreams Now before you freak out and start worrying that all the content you've grown to love hearing from me is just going *poof*, that is completely not going to happen.  This change in direction is simply to allow me to expand into other areas of interest to share with you guys.  I fully plan on continuing to share the progress of my apartment, all my Project Life spreads, and of course anything and everything organization. While blogging for the last couple of years, I have done some growing up, and discovered more about myself, namely who I want to be and what kind of life I want to live.  I want to live a life I can be passionate about.  I have come to the realization that I full heartedly believe we create the life we live.  I can be whatever I want to be, my life can be anything I make it to be, I can decide exactly what it means to be labeled Merrit ;).  And so this little blog will share my journey and experiences working to creating my perfect life, which I'm hoping will encourage and inspire others to do the same! Label Me Merrit: A lifestyle blog inspiring women to build the life of their dreams I will be adding a couple larger areas of content to the blog over the next few weeks and months. These are all things I plan on cultivating and including in my dream life.  Below I'll outline each section of the new blog, and what my hopes and plans for each area are and what you can expect to look forward to!

Label Me Homemaker

For any girl out there who is either just starting out with building her family's home, or who is a long time homemaker looking for some tips to improve, this section is for you!!  Here is where you will find posts with focuses on home decor, home maintenance, and anything else necessary for making a happy and beautiful home!

Label Me Organized

The original focus of the old blog will live on in this section.  Label Me Organized will cover all the tips, tricks and inspiration you need to organize your life.  Everything from planner tours to home organization to time management, this section will share everything you need to know to organize your home and life.

Label Me Crafty

For my craft lovin' girls, this section will be devoted to all things Project Life, handlettering and creativity.  Whether you're looking for tutorials or inspiration, this section will have you covered!

Label Me Blogger

Over the last few years as a blogger I have learned so much about what is necessary for running a successful blog.  While I am no where close to considering myself an expert, I do feel the need to share what I have learned with others who may just be starting out.  This section will include topics such as coding tutorials, social media best practices and other handy tips and tricks for building a successful blog!

Label Me Pretty

This is the section I am most excited about, but I have to admit, the one I'm also the most nervous about.  While I have always loved makeup and fashion, I have never considered myself particularly skilled in either area.  However, I have always had dreams of being "that girl" who always seems to be effortlessly styled and made-up.  So with my new attitude towards life, I have decided to stop waiting around for beauty skills to just bite me in the rear, and to go out and teach myself what I want to know.  This section will share all things make-up and fashion, as I experiment and learn about all things pretty!

Label Me Smitten

Who doesn't love love?  I couldn't build a framework for my life without including a section dedicated to becoming the best partner I can be.  This section will cover topics relating to relationships, love and marriage.  I'm hoping to have tons of resources for fun date night ideas, tips for keeping your relationship strong, and all things romance!

Label Me Fluffy

If you've been following me for any amount of time, your likely familiar with my furbaby Dakota.  Naturally, as one of the centers of my world, Dakota has landed herself her own spot on Label Me Merrit.  Label Me Fluffy will talk about all things puppy (and maybe occasionally other fluffies - like kitties).  I'm planning on including some tutorials for fun tricks you can teach your furbaby, as well as advice on being the best furmom you can be! And that pretty much sums things up!!  I am so excited for this new chapter in my blog and in my life.  I am going to hold off on a complete tour of the blog's new look (like I did here and here) until I get things more permanently set up, but you can definitely expect that in the near future.  Until then it will be business as usual!  Take a peek around the site so far, and let me know what you think! Label Me Merrit: A lifestyle blog inspiring women to build the life of their dreams As for technicalities, if you're following me on social media, I'll be slowly changing all my usernames over to reflect the new blog name.  If you follow me through a feed reader, please make sure you switch over to subscribing to the new URL ( otherwise you'll miss out on seeing any blog posts from here on out.  If you subscribe via email, you should be good to go, but if you find that you stop receiving emails, simply reenter your email in the subscription box at the top of the sidebar.  Other than that, if you have any questions about anything, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!! So what do you think?  After all you are the most important person in the room here (yes you!!).  Do you like this new direction of the blog?  What changes would you like to see incorporated in?  I also need your help, so pretty please reach out to me, or leave a comment on this post, if you find something that is "broken" on the new site that you'd like to see fixed.  I'm doing everything I can do get things rolling again, but I will definitely need your assistance in pointing out anything I may have overlooked!  So start taking a peek around and exploring the new digs around here, I hope you're as excited about these new changes as I am!

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