
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

August at a Glance

Hello everyone!  It's time to wrap up August with a month at a glance post.  I can't believe it's already September, where did summer go??  I know some of you are ready for fall, but I must say I'm much more of a spring girl myself.  To me fall is just a bad reminder that winter is coming.  I just hope fall and winter fly by as fast as summer seems to have!

10 easy ways to upgrade any apartment by

I started off the month by sharing 10 easy ways to upgrade any apartment.  Having lived in an apartment for the last five years, I know the struggles faced by many renters.  From white walls for miles to outdated fixtures, apartments definitely come with their challenges.  Some things you can change, and some you can't.  The trick is knowing what you can change.  In this post I listed ten things you can do in in any rental space to upgrade the basics.

DIY portable office by

I also shared with you my cute little portable office.  Even though I have an awesome, spacious desk in my bedroom, I find that I do most of my work out on the couch in front of the TV.  This meant that most of my regularly used office supplies were strewn about the living room, cluttering up the coffee table.  I fixed this mess by corralling all my daily use supplies into a portable tray.  This way, no matter where I decide to work, I can just pick up this caddy and be ready to go.  And no more mountains of post-its all over the coffee table!

Home Tour 2013 by

Last month, I finally got around to showing you guys an updated tour of my apartment.  This was long overdue, as my previous (and only) house tour was shot shortly after moving in.  To say it was a mess is truly the understatement of the year.  It still amazes me just how far my apartment has come in the last year, and how much I've gotten done.  Writing this post also gave me hope and motivation to see what I will accomplish in another year's time!  After writing up this post, I was able to add a "real" home tour page to the blog, which you can visit here.

Cat organizational printables from

I was also pleased to announce a new set of printables for you cat lovers, to help organize and maintain the health of your feline friends.  You can read about how to use these printables here, or download them (for free!) here.

Liebster nomination from

This was probably my favorite post to write last month.  Sandie from Life in Positudiness, was sweet enough to nominate me for a Liebster Award.  This award is a fun way for bloggers to support newbie bloggers, and is kind of a fun, virtual bloggy game of tag.  I nominated 10 other awesome up and coming blogs to participate, as well as answered some fun questions asked by Sandie.  It was such an honor to have been able to participate in such a fun tradition, and was so exciting getting introduced to so many new and amazing bloggers!

A round up for inspirational and organized entryways from

Throughout the month, I also continued the Fav Five series.  I started by sharing my favorite entryways with you guys, and discovered that I love huge impacts (like stenciled walls in a bold color) in small spaces.

A round-up of inspirational and organized master closets from

The next Fav Five was focused on the master closet, my favorite room in any house.  I admitted I'm kind of a closet snob, and will not rent an apartment that doesn't come equipped with a walk-in master closet.  I am over the moon for built-in closets (white...of course) and cannot wait to buy my first house so I can DIY myself one of these beauties.

A round-up of five inspirational DIY furniture makeovers from

With the last Fav Five of the month, I took the series in a different direction.  Instead of focusing on a specific room in a house, I shared my favorite furniture makeovers from around blogland.  It still amazes me what some of these bloggers can do with a thrift store find or generic IKEA piece and some paint!

So that's what I did with my last month of summer.  What have you been up to?  Did you spend every second you could soaking up the last of the summer sun at the pool?  Did you sneak in a last vacation before the start of school?  Who else is with me on fall being a bad omen for winters-to-come?

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