
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Label Her Organized: L'amour Chez Nous

Hi fellow organizers!  Today I have a really special post to share with you all.  I'm starting a new series on Label Me Organized, called Label Her (or Him!) Organized!  In this series, I'll be sharing some awesome projects and organizational inspiration from other fabulous bloggers.  To kick off the series, I have Lauren from L'amour Chez Nous here to share with you her amazing, organized entryway.  Lauren is a fellow renter, and has an awesome eye for decor and organization, so I immediately fell in love with her blog!  I know you all with love her as much as I do.  So without further ado, here's Lauren to show off her adorable entryway, and the organizational systems she's put in place.

Hi there! I’m Lauren from L’amour chez nous. I strive to make the most of my rental space by personalizing and organizing it as much as I can. When Merrit asked me to write (my first!) guest post on her lovely blog, I was flattered and more than thrilled!

Today I’m focusing on How to Organize Your Apartment Entry. When my fiancé and I first moved into our bitty apartment, I knew it was the first area I needed to tackle. Since storage space is at a premium in our home, everything we own needs to be consciously chosen. We just don’t have the room to have extra stuff piling up! My goal for this area was to ensure each item entering our apartment had a clear home to make cleaning up easy.

Label Her Organized: L'amour Chez Nous - an organized entryway at

I started with a DIY-ed Mail Sorter.

Label Her Organized: L'amour Chez Nous - an organized entryway at

I used an Ikea magazine holder and added folders and pretty labels to divide each task. When mail or any other sort of document comes into our home, I immediately filter it into its proper slot. Later in the week (or month, let’s be honest) I sort through: I file away my documents I need to save, shred or recycle what I don’t need or pin my reminders (like invitations or baby announcements) on our memo board.

Label Her Organized: L'amour Chez Nous - an organized entryway at

I’m so happy to have finally gotten rid of our paper pile on the coffee table!

Next, I made a quick memo board using pins, square pieces of cork and leftover fabric. Anything important or sentimental is up on our memo board (like those sweet photos of my little nephew!)

Label Her Organized: L'amour Chez Nous - an organized entryway at

Now for my biggest project… Our closet. Let me tell you, this was a challenge. My fiancé is a loving, funny and wonderful individual, but clean and organized he is not. I needed a system that would fit both of our needs but would be easy enough to recreate in another closet in a new place down the road.

Label Her Organized: L'amour Chez Nous - an organized entryway at

I used uniform baskets with DIY-ed chalkboard labels to hold everything from our laundry supplies, to extra shoes, to items to return in an “outbox”.

Label Her Organized: L'amour Chez Nous - an organized entryway at

I made a special storage spot for my purses with extra shelves and book ends to divide each one

Label Her Organized: L'amour Chez Nous - an organized entryway at

And of course, a quick and easy landing spot for my fiancé’s work gear.

Label Her Organized: L'amour Chez Nous - an organized entryway at

So I had an easy spot for coats, bags, shoes, mail… All that’s missing is a final landing spot for little odds and ends: loose change, keys, sunglasses etc. For this, I used a dresser.

It may not be as pretty as I’d like (I see a makeover in its near future) but with all that storage space, it’s certainly functional. 

Label Her Organized: L'amour Chez Nous - an organized entryway at

Here I have a spot for keys, sunglasses and laundry money, dog walking supplies and extra linen.

Label Her Organized: L'amour Chez Nous - an organized entryway at

And there you go! This space is still has plenty more tweaking to be done style-wise, but I’m so happy to have the chance to share it with you. For more details about these projects, feel free to check out my blog, L'amour chez nous

Thanks for the invite Merrit!

Thank you Lauren!  Isn't she sweetest?  And how amazing is that entryway!  I love that she has a place for everything coming in her door, so none of her precious space is wasted.  I definitely took inspiration from Lauren and recently added a mail sorter to my own entry, which I'll be sure to share with you all shortly!  And I have been crushing on that bright and happy chevron accent wall since I first read the post.  It really makes the whole space feel like a pretty and decorated room, rather than a small apartment entry.

Those are my favorite parts of this room, what are yours?  Anyone else studying their entryway to find ways they can spruce up the organizational factor?  I am definitely eyeing my coat closet for my next big overhaul!  Thanks again Lauren, for sharing your awesome, organized entryway with us!

If you'd like to be featured in a future Label Her Organized post, please email me at labelmeorganized {at} gmail {dot} com with some pictures and a description of your space, or a link to a post you'd like to be considered!  You do not need to have a blog to be featured on Label Her Organized.

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