
Monday, March 10, 2014

Project Life: 2014 Title Page

Hello fellow Project Lifers!  Today I'm finally getting around to sharing my title page for my 2014 album.  Yes I realize we are currently in week 11, what can I say... I'm a little behind.  I've had this page completed for a while now, I just needed to get it up on the blog.

For the title page of this album, I decided to go with a black, white and gold color scheme for the most part, with a few pops of color here and there.  All of the cards I used came from the Midnight core kit.

For the title card, I cut out the year using my silhouette and some pretty pink polka dot paper.  Then I added a strip of thin washi tape, and used my label make for the "will be great" subtitle.  I wanted to add in a nice uplifting thought for the first page of this album.  To complete the card, I simply stuck on some embellishments to give it a little something extra.

The next card I dedicated to the word Melissa and I picked out for our 'one little word' for 2014.  We chose cultivate, because we thought it encompassed everything we wanted to accomplish in the coming year.  We decided to dedicate the next 365 days to building our life into what we dream it will be, instead of waiting for life to happen.  We wanted 2014 to be all about cultivating our dream life.

To fill in the title space at the bottom, I added the 'one little word' hashtag, and a rub on gold star.

In the first 3x4 card slot, I included a picture of Melissa and I on New Years Eve.  I wanted to include a picture of what we looked like right at the beginning of this year.  I used some fun silver paper to outline the picture, and make the card a little less plain.

In the next slot, I included some basic facts about our life right now.  For the prompts, I used a Martha Stewart craft marker.  I also added a tiny diamond dot to the banner on top to bring in a little more bling.

In the third slot, I added an embellished filler card.  I added the year so the card reads "Hello 2014" which I thought was appropriate.  To make the numbers, I used acrylic stamp numbers with glue instead of ink, then sprinkled glitter over the glue before it dried.  I also outlined the quote bubble with dots, again using my Martha Stewart craft markers.

The last 3x4 slot holds a super fun sequin pouch, which I totally thought was perfect for a New Years theme.  I got this card in my very first Project Life card swap, and I am so excited I found the perfect layout to use it in so fast!

The next card displays all the goals Melissa and I have set for ourselves to focus on in 2014.  Having all our goals written out right on the title page of my album will hopefully keep them fresh in our minds and motivate us to follow through.  I used tiny diamond dots to make the list, and I highlighted the most important word in each goal by writing in a different color.

Finally I added a title card for the bullet list of goals.  For the letters, I used gold circle alphas I picked up at the Target dollar spot.  For the glitter arrow, I used the same technique as the numbers on the "Hello 2014" card, and had it point towards the card the title was referencing.  Finally I added a few more enamel dots to finish the card off.

And there is my completed title page for the year of 2014!  Since this is the first current album I am doing with Project Life (still catching up with the last three years), this is my very first completed title page.  And I am definitely pleased with how it turned out!  Now I'm just itching for this year to be over, so I can have a completely finished album displaying a whole year of my day to day life!

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