
Monday, July 14, 2014

Blogiversary II: Label Me Organized by the Numbers

Alrighty guys, it's finally here!  I have officially been blogging here at Label Me Organized for two years!!  Technically I had been blogging for two years as of yesterday, but I was too busy being on vacation to get this final post published... oops!

Last year I started a tradition I'd love to keep up with of posting all sorts of numbers from the past 21 months.  Some of these numbers are blog related, and some are just for fun.  I like having a record of these things to look back on in future years so I can see just how much things have changed.  And let me tell you, looking at the numbers post I shared last year, they already changed a ton!  Here's how I did this year:

93 published posts (almost at the big 1-0-0!)

4.8 average number of posts per month (around once a week, not bad but I'd love to aim for a few more)

60,915 total visits this past year (this blows my mind)

628 highest number of visits in a single day (thanks to a shout out on the Philofaxy blog!)

156 countries who have visited Label Me Organized

14,415 total number of hits to my Printables pages (still my most popular page...find them here)

67 number of Dakota's toys (although I know we've bought way more than 6 toys in the last year...there must be some lurkers stashed around the apartment)

553 Pinterest followers (over 7 times the number from last year!)

27 Twitter followers

141 Facebook followers

17 Google+ followers

873 Instagram followers (by far the best way to follow me on social media, hoping to break 1k this year!)

258 number of Instagram photos

5 number of apartments I've lived in (hopefully this one is the last one!)

1,045 square feet of my current apartment

1 Etsy shop opened up for business (check it out here)

4 current planners in use (which are as follows: blogProject LifeEtsy and everyday)

And there you have Label Me Organized by the numbers, documented and preserved for future generations.  Big changes can sometimes happen in small increments over a long period of time, so it can be hard to notice they're happening.  That is why I love having a place to stop and record things just the way they are at this moment, so I can truly appreciate that changes that have taken place over the last year, and so I can do the same in the future.

A lot of fun and exciting things happened over the past year.  I officially opened an Etsy shop, something I had been wanting to do since I began the blog.  I also started a new journey of recording everyday memories, and I've loved sharing this new hobby here on LMO.  I also had my first guest post published by the lovely Lauren over at L'amour Chez Nous.  And finally, we said goodbye to our old apartment and moved into a new home.  Lot's of fun, lots of new experiences, and lots of memories.

I can't believe how far I've come in this past year, and I am so humbled by some of the number I shared above.  And none of this would be possible without my amazing readers!  You guys really are the bee's knees, the cat's pajamas, and every other animal related flattery.  I am so touched that you stop by and let me share with you the things I do and love.  Thank you so much for making this blogging dream of mine a reality, and I hope you stick around to see what happens this next year!  Here is to an amazing second year of organizing, decorating, and crafting here on Label Me Organized, and to many more years to come.  I can't wait to see where this journey takes me, and I can't wait to share it all right here!

Do you keep records of numbers throughout the years so you can see them change?  Any suggestions for more statistics I should keep track of?  Are you as excited for year three as I am?  I'd love to hear your thought in the comments!

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