
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Label Me Organized on Pretty Well Organized

Bonus post!  As if my little Etsy-related announcement from this morning wasn't exciting enough, I have some more fabulous news to share!  Starting today, I will be contributing over at Pretty Well Organized for the sweet and talented Wendy!  Wendy is a fellow planner lover, and also shares her mad organizational skills throughout her beautiful home.  I am so giddy excited about this new venture and to be working with such an awesome blogger.

During my time over there, I'll be sharing all things planner related.  I know you all love a good planner as much as I do, so I'll be sure to share with you whenever a post of mine is published on Pretty Well Organized.  Today I'm talking all about basic planner setup.  You can read all about my recommended steps for putting together your first (or fifth... no one's judging here) planner right here.  Make sure you leave Wendy some love while you're over there and check out the rest of her amazing blog!

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