
Thursday, September 4, 2014

#30lists: Days 6-10

Hey guys!  So I'm back today with the next installment of my 30 Days of Lists mini album.  When I shared my first five lists, I was doing an excellent job of staying on track and keeping up with this project.  And now it's September, and I'm still only on day 11.  So yea.

I'm not too worried about being behind on this project though.  It's nice to have a little side project to work on whenever I get a spare moment.  And there is no rule that says it has to be 30 consecutive days of lists.  So I'm coloring a little outside of the lines on this one, and will just finish it whenever I finish it.

I'm still absolutely loving this project though, and already getting pumped up about finishing this little album of lists, so I can move onto the next set of prompts!  The September 2014 set of prompts just went live, so I've been enjoying keeping up with others on Instagram who are following the current prompts.

But I am not letting myself start the new lists until I finish this set, since I have a tendency to jump all in on a project, burn myself out, find another project to get excited about, and completely forget about the first project.  So I'm just going to go slow and steady on my lists, and not let myself get tempted by a shiny new project until this one is done.

The first page up is day six.  I had a little bit of a tough time deciding on where I wanted to take this prompt.  My first reaction was just to list out words that I just don't like the sound of (like moist.... for some reason a lot of people hate that word), but then I realized I don't really have an aversion to any particular word.

So I decided to use this prompt as an opportunity to list out words that I don't like the meaning or connotation behind.  I started by writing out all these negative words in a pretty scripty font using my gold marker.  My thought behind this was turning ugly words into something beautiful.  Once that was done, I decided to go a step further, and add little sayings to my words to really turn them into positive message.

I stamped out the prompt along the top of my page to make a title.  I then added a printable circle in my mini albums colors, and added a few gold embellishments.  I finished things off with some black and gold alphas to spell out the day number.

Day 6: Least Favorite Words

  • Never say can't
  • No one is worthless
  • You won't be forgotten
  • Don't be invisible
  • You're not alone
  • Never ugly

The day seven prompt was to list out your blog goals.  This one was honestly a bit of a challenge, because I have so many blog goals and ideas.  It was hard to narrow things down, and to simplify some vague ideas I had in my head into concrete goals.  I really enjoyed this list though because it gave me a chance to step back, and really evaluate what I want out of this whole blogging thing.

To make this card, I began by stamping some pink striped banners across the top of my page.  I then placed some gold alphas across each banner to spell out my prompt title.  I kept my list pretty simple, and just used an asterisk style stamp to make the bullets points.

Day 7: Blog Goals

  • Complete redesign (already checked off - yay!!)
  • Reach more people
  • More frequent posts
  • Make new friends
  • Expand as a business

This page may be my complete favorite of this entire mini album so far.  The prompt was to list what was in your bag.  Instead of writing an actual list, I decided to draw out each of the items in my purse.  And since I love drawing, and I love anything miniaturized, teeny tiny sketches were just right up my alley. (Inspiration cred: the amazingly talented Caylee Grey)

To make my title, I layered a pink label onto a strip of gold washi tape that runs along the top of the page.  I then hand lettered a scripty title on the label.  To make my list, I sketched out each item in my purse, and then labeled the sketches with a brief description and arrow pointing to it.

Day 8: In My Bag

  • Make-up
  • Mini Moleskin
  • iPhone
  • Wallet
  • Goldfish
  • Keys
  • Sunglasses
  • Mirror

This card was also a fun one.  The prompt was to list out your favorite blogs and websites.  I follow a ton of blogs, so it was really hard to narrow things down.  To simplify things, I decided to pick a favorite out of each niche of blogs I follow (home decor, organization, crafting and typography).  I also decided to include my own blog on this list.  While it may seem a little self indulgent, I am super proud of what I have created.  This is my happy place on the internet, and so of course it is one of my favorites to spend time on!

To make this card, I started by layering a grey label onto the bottom half of a black and gold shipping tag.  I attached that in the upper corner, and snipped off the top of the shipping tag.  I then stamped the letters 1-5 in pink ink, so I could write the names of the blogs (not in any particular order) over each number.  I added in the day number by stamping a black '9' over a pink stamped heart.  I used a gold marker to write my title, and the day descriptor.

Day 9: Favorite Websites and Blogs

This last page is also a favorite of mine.  The prompt was to write out a wishlist.  I have a difficult time actually writing wishlists, because I just want it all, so this prompt was not the easiest for me to follow.  So I have a tough time narrowing things down to what actually deserves to be included on my wishlist.  It's a good time for all around my birthday ;).

To get the grid, I layered gold and pink washi tape across the entire page in a basket weave pattern.  This took a lot of time and some serious concentration to make sure everything lined up and overlapped how it should.  After the washi tape was all laid down, I trimmed off any excess that overflowed off the page.  I then wrote out my title, day number and listed items into various squares around the page.  Any square left empty, I outlined the inside of that box using my plain black pen.

Day 10: My Wishlist

  • Michael's cube organizers
  • Studio l2e stamps
  • Everything Martha Stewart
  • New couch
  • Studio Calico scrapbooking and card kits
  • Mac desktop
  • Kate Spade purse
  • Typewriter
  • My own house

And that finishes my pages for days 6-10 of my August 30 Days of Lists mini album!  I am so excited with this project, and cannot wait for it to be all finished.  Do you have any project you're just busting at the seems to complete so you can admire the finished product?  Tell me about any projects your currently working to finish below in the comments, and we can encourage each other to finish them up!

This post is not sponsored by, or affiliated with, the ingenious women behind 30 Days of Lists.  I'm just a huge fan who loves a good list!

Did you like this post?  You can check out all of my #30lists pages right here.

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