
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Project Life: 2014 Week 9

Hey guys!  I have another Project Life layout to share with you all today.  Week 9 is all finished up and in the books, and I have officially broken into March with my memory keeping... woohoo!  I still can't believe I have gotten this far behind... oops!

Melissa and I were joking the other day that I'll be 30 by the time I finish my 2014 album.  As funny as it was, it is a very real possibility if I don't get my crafty tukas into gear.  So to help prevent that from happening, I have made it my goal to at least be finished through August by the end of the year.  That gives me three months to complete six months of layouts, or roughly two layouts a week.

Since Project Life is not Label Me Organized's main topic of content, and I do not intend for it to become the main topic, I've decided to dedicate Fridays to all things Project Life.  Starting next week, whatever layouts I've completed each week will be shared on Friday, whether it be one or five spreads.  This way, it will hopefully keep my crafty endeavors from taking up most of the 'space' here on Label Me Organized while I try to get myself caught up.  Above all else, I want the posting schedule here to work for you guys, so let me know what you think about this is the comments below!

Note: This post contains affiliate links.  If you purchase one of the products I recommend using these links, I will make a teeny, tiny commission.  This will not cost you anything additional to your purchase and helps keep Label Me Organized running to bring you the best tips for organizing your home and life!

Anywho, let's get back to week 9 shall we?  Week 9 was another pretty picture light week, so I was able to use a single Design A page protector for my whole week.  This made the layout super quick to throw together, which (as a person who is 30 weeks behind) just makes my day.

I have recently been trying not to overthink my layout.  Since I am in the game of banging out some quick layouts so I can get caught up, I have gotten in the habit of just going for it.  If I get an idea in my head, I don't agonize over whether it will look right, or if there is a better option, I just do it.  This has cut my crafting time in half, which frees up more time to finish more layouts!

For this layout, I used all cards from the Midnight core kit, and focused on cards with a white background and either black or brown details.  I then decided to add in different tealy blues with my embellishments.

To make my title, I started with a plain white card with a printed brown heart in the center.  I added the week 9 title to the middle of the heart using alphas and a wood veneer number.  I then wrote in the dates for my week on a label placed under the heart.  I finished this card up by stamping whatever you would call that shape on the left of my card.

For my second card, I started things off with the 'eat' wood veneer banner from a Studio Calico kit.  I then added 'cupcakes' with some fun teal and silver alpha stickers.  When I finished those things up, the speak bubble looked a little blank, so I stamped an arrow that runs off the page in the empty space.

For the card on the left, I simply ran a strip of washi tape across the top of my card, and titled it with some white thickers.  The card on the right holds the business card from my dentist's office.  I added in my journaling on a circular label peeking out from under the business card, and finished things off with a matching star embellishment.

I added a little extra attention to the title on the left card above by placing strips of washi tape on either side of the pendant.  I then added a fancy label to show where we got dinner that night.  For the card on the right, I added a title using the "important" rub-on label from a Studio Calico kit.  I then added a star wood veneer, and made the star cut-out 'pop' a bit more by placing plain white cardstock behind it.

This card may be the most embellishment heavy of the layout, but it was still pretty simply.  I used a wood veneer 'why not' and stamped cork 'ok' embellishments.  I then wrote a subtitle onto a shipping tag that was peeking out from behind the picture.  I finished things off by placing an extra scrap of a label behind both the picture and the shipping tag.

For my last card, I started off by running a strip of washi tape across the top of the card.  I then used that super adorable polaroid frame wood veneer to frame my two girlies in the picture.  I finished with the title 'lovies' going across the bottom of the polaroid frame, using the same alpha stickers I used throughout my layout.

And there you have it!  I am all finished with week 9 and ready to get started on week 10.  Make sure to let me know what you think about the new schedule changes, with Friday being dedicated to Project Life spreads.

While we're at it, what would you like to see with my Project Life posts?  Do you want more details about how I make the cards, or where I get each product used on a layout?  Do you want more tutorials on specific techniques?  Or do you prefer less technical crafty talk and prefer to hear more stories from the pictures themselves?  Let me know any and all thoughts you have in the comments!


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