
Monday, October 6, 2014

Bathroom Progress and Plans

Hello everyone!  As you know, for the last couple of months, I've been systematically going through each room in my new apartment.  I've been sharing with you the progress we've made in each room so far, and the plans we have for the future of each room.  Today it's time to move into the bathroom.

The bathroom in this apartment isn't particularly exciting, and is pretty much exactly like any other bathroom in a rental.  So far we haven't done too much in the bathroom, besides loading everything in.  So that means is look pretty bland and boring.

For the last couple of years, we've had a black and white thing going on in our bathrooms.  But I have since re-discovered my absolute love for color, and decided that we need more of that going on in here.  So hopefully, in the not so distant future, I'll be showing you some fun additions of color into this room!

One thing that I do love about our new bathroom is all the storage it has to offer!  For starters, there is the mirror/medicine cabinet above the sink, with three different 'sections'.  To keep things organized, we split up the cabinets, I'm on the left, Melissa is on the right and we share the middle.

I'm planning to add a little more organizational function to these cabinets, just haven't nailed down exactly what yet.  I'm thinking some little trays to coral things in, and there will definitely be labels.  Exciting stuff is gonna be happening, let me tell you.

Next up on the bathroom storage tour, we have more cabinets under the sink!!  We also have two little drawers in the vanity (not shown) which I absolutely love.  The cabinets under the sink are pretty much a hot mess right now.

Since moving in, I pretty much haven't done anything down here.  Just threw things in wherever they fit (I seem to do this a lot when I move into a new place).  I will definitely be diving into this area, and giving it a little organized makeover.  I'm thinking of adding some shelves in here so I can take advantage of the unused vertical space down here.  I'm all about getting the most organizational bang for my storage buck.

Next up is one of my favorite parts of our new apartment.  Our gigantic linen closet.  Our linen closet in the old apartment was approximately 2 feet wide, so this monster closet is just heaven for me.

As you can see not much has been done in here either.  This may be the space I am most excited to tackle and get super organized.  I'm picturing tons of matching bins, labels, and other organizational goodies.

Here's another shot looking into the left of the closet, to really give you an idea of how far back this baby goes:

So excited, you have no idea.

So that finishes up the tour of this little room of my apartment.  I know it's not the most exciting space, but I'm hoping once I'm done with it, it will be one of the most organized and functional rooms in this place!

So to wrap things up, here is what needs to get done in here:

  • Replace shower curtain, rug and towels to bring in some color
  • Hang art on the walls
  • Organize medicine cabinet
  • Organize under the sink cabinets
  • Organize linen closet

I am always so shocked how short and easy the to-do lists at the end of these posts are.  Before writing them, I always feel like I have a million things that need to get done, but after actually listing them out, I find there's only five!  Definitely much more manageable, and another reason why I live and die by to-do lists.

Let me know your favorite bathroom organization tips in the comments!  What would you do with this space?

If you'd like to see the other rooms I've gone through in this little series, you can check them out here:

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