
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Liebster Nomination!

Ok, so yesterday I had a not so great day.  Nothing terrible happened, it was just one of those days with one thing after another piling up.  I have my very first big girl job interview tomorrow, so I was stressing about that, and trying to figure out what I'm going to wear.  As I open my coat closet to pull out some skirts I found a poor little mouse who fell victim to a sticky trap.  I know it's not good to have mice in your apartment, but I always feel bad when we catch them :(.

Then I had my first class of the semester last night.  I left an hour early, to beat rush hour traffic, got to campus 15 minutes before class started, and arrived to class 20 minutes late because there was no. freaking. parking!  So stressful, awesome way to make a great first impression on my teacher.

So by the end of the night, between worry about the interview, the mouse, and classes starting, I was pretty bummed.  I was about to head to bed, and was doing a last minute blog check like I normally do at the end of the day.  And upon refresh, there was the loveliest comment from Sandie over at Life in Positudiness waiting for me!  She was letting me know she was nominating me for a Liebster Award!  Totally turned my day around :)

Liebster Award at Label Me Organized

I was just instantly thrilled and touched!  This is possibly the most awesome thing that has happened to me on Label Me Organized.  Then I was a little curious, what exactly is a Liebster Award?  With a little researching, and reading Sandie's post on the subject, I found my answer.

What is a Liebster Award?

The Liebster Award is an award, passed around blogger to blogger, to show appreciation and support for what we do.  The award helps to introduce and promote newbie bloggers, and get their name out there.  There are no judges, no voting, its just an awesome way to say "I see what you're doing, and I think it's great!"  After learning this I was so beyond touched and excited to be included in this fun game of 'tag, you're it' blogger style!

How Does it Work?

Once a blogger is nominated, there are a few things they must do to keep this whole thing going.

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link back to their blog
  2. Answer the 10 questions asked by your nominator
  3. Nominate 10 other blogs who all have less than 200 followers
  4. Ask your nominee's 10 questions you'd like them to answer
  5. Let the bloggers you nominated know about it!

I Nominate...

There are so many great beginner blogs out there, it was really hard to choose!  Some of these blogs I've already been following myself, and others are new to me that I'm so pumped to have discovered and can't wait to start following along.  Go check them out and see their awesomeness for yourself!

I did my best to be sure my nominees had under 200 followers, but it isn't always clear ;)

Questions Answered

1. Who or what made you take the decision to create your blog?

Reading other blogs (especially Young House Love and iHeart Organizing) motivated me to start my own.  I have always dreamed about starting and building something that was completely my own.  I had always thought about starting a business, but a blog seemed way more up my ally.  What those bloggers have built for themselves was so inspiring, I had to give it a try.  I will consider myself truly blessed if I become a fraction of what they have accomplished.

2. What do you like most about blogging?

I love the huge community surrounding the home and DIY niche of blogging.  There are just so many friendly people out there, sharing their projects and giving advice.  I love that things like the Liebster Award exist to help promote bloggers just starting out.  Instead of being competitive, home bloggers have shown their love and support for fellow bloggers.  There is room for everyone!

3. Who is your intended audience?

This is something I have been asking myself recently.  I would have to say women like me, who are just starting their life in one way or another.  Maybe they are living on their own for the first time, or are beginning married life, or are working on creating the dream they've always had for what their life would be.  Women who are discovering their style and shaping who they want to be themselves.  And fellow organizing junkies are always welcome :)

4. What do you enjoy most about blogging?

I love sharing my projects, ideas and home with the world.  I love getting feedback and hearing what other people think.  I love meeting people with similar tastes and interests.  Like I said above, there are just so many amazing women (and men!) out there blogging about amazing things.

5. What do you enjoy doing when you are not blogging?

I love family time with my girlfriend, Melissa, and our pomeranian, Dakota.  Whether it's catching up on our latest TV shows or working on a project for the apartment, these two truly make my apartment a home.  I also may have a slight addiction to FarmVille... don't judge to harshly.

6. What is your favorite blogging time/environment?

I usually do most of my post planning and writing out in the living room on the couch, even though I have a perfectly good desk in my bedroom.  I just love being able to lounge while I work.  As for time, really any works.  I may write a post first thing in the morning, or I may stay up way past my bedtime editing pictures.  It really just depends.

7. How do you plan your blog posts?

I usually plan my blog posts about a week in advance.  I have a separate planner devoted to all things blog.  Here is where I write down my schedule (posting and projecting) for each week.  I make sure to include scheduled times for things like doing the actual project, taking pictures, editing pictures and writing the post.  Once the post is scheduled, I move into my blog binder to plan the specifics of that post.  I have Blog Post Planner page that I made in my binder, which I use to hash out exactly what each post will include.

8. What is the one post you are most proud of?

I am the most proud of my recent home tour post.  After not having a legitimate home tour up on my blog for over a year, I finally got on it and wrote this post.  It also amazed me how far my apartment truly has come!  I sometimes get stuck on what still needs to be done (the never ending list), and forget about all that I have done.  This post really helped me remember all that I have accomplished, and gave me hope for what it will look like another year from now!

9. What are two tips you would recommend bloggers to keep in mind when writing a post?

I think my biggest tip would be to write in your own voice, and don't be afraid to be you.  The blogs I always fall in love always have this down.  When you write in your own voice, and let yourself shine through your writing, your readers will connect with you and with your posts.  Readers visit blogs for the people behind them, so let your readers know you!

The second tip I have is to let go of perfection.  Yes it is definitely a good idea to proof-read a post before publishing.  But if you find yourself picking apart and re-writing every single sentence, not only will it take a week to publish a post, but you may also end up editing out your real "voice" that I talked about above.  I find that my best posts are ones where I just write what I'm thinking, go back to check spelling and grammar, and then post.

10. What are your top 5 most inspirational blogs?

  1. Young House Love -  honestly what isn't there to love about them?
  2. iHeart Organizing - my organizational hero and role model
  3. Honey We're Home - beautifully decorated home and so friendly
  4. Thrifty Decor Chick - always such fun to read her posts, hilariously self-deprecating and honest
  5. A Bowl Full of Lemons - another excellent organizer and home decorator

My Questions to My Nominees

  1. What made you start your blog?
  2. What is the focus of your blog?
  3. What is your favorite part about blogging?
  4. What has been the hardest part about blogging?
  5. What positives impacts have you gained in your life from blogging?
  6. If you could only read three blogs for the rest of your life, what would they be?
  7. What is your favorite social media platform and why?
  8. What post did you enjoy writing the most?
  9. How do you schedule or plan your posts?
  10. What do you hope to gain from your blog?

Alright nominees, its your turn!  I can't wait to read all your answers and discover some more up-and-coming blogs!

Again I am so beyond touched to have been nominated, I've had a perma-grin on all day and suspect I will for a while.  Thanks Sandie!


  1. Wow, you sound much more organized when it comes to prepping a post than I do! I'm glad you had the chance to post a house tour recently. It's great to have a peek into your place too!

    Like Sandie, I had to nominate you (and thank you for nominating me! :)

    1. Loved reading all your answers! So much fun learning about others' blogging processes :) Glad you enjoyed the house tour!

  2. Hi Merrit! Thanks so much for the nomination! You can read my answers to your questions here:!

    Thanks again! Hope your weekend is going well!

    1. Loved reading all your answers :) Glad to see I'm not the only one who chooses to blog from my couch rather than my actual desk!


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