
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

November at a Glance

November was a busy, busy month for me.  Between work, school and all the other responsibilities that come along with life, I feel like I never got a minute to sit down.  Since I was so busy, I didn't get to post as often as I would have liked.  So along with my monthly recaps of what I did manage to post in November, I also thought I'd take this time to share some exciting happenings that have been going on around here.

First of all, I recently decided to make a change with my career path.  After graduation, I had been taking classes to learn American Sign Language, with the plan of becoming an interpreter.  While I absolutely love the language, and plan to continue learning it, I decided that interpreting just wasn't the job for me.

I want a job I wam going to be passionate about.  I know I'm not one of those people that can just spend their days doing a job just for the sake of having a job.  I want a job I can wake up and be excited to go to every day.  I need to be inspired and passionate about the thing I will be doing for 40 hours every week.

I have always loved working with children.  I nannied a baby girl for two years during college, and I loved my job.  Getting to spend an entire day playing and watching a little person learn about their world was the most amazing experience.  I want my every day to be like that.  So I decided to make a change in my life, and got myself a new job as a teacher in a young infant classroom at a preschool.

I am beyond excited about this change, and can't wait to start this exciting adventure in the new year.  The school I will be working at is absolutely amazing, and truly seems devoted to promoting the development and education of children beginning in infancy.  I can't wait to start this new chapter in my life.

Beside getting a new job, I also opened up my Etsy store during November.  This had been something I had dreamed about doing for a while now, and I am just giddy that it is finally becoming a reality.  Currently my shop is stocked with organizational printable for both letter size and personal size planners, but more printables are being added to the selection all the time!  You can read all about my new Etsy store here, or you can check out the store here!

Between all the exciting changes happening around here, I also manage to finished up another layout for my Project Life album.  I am just loving going back and looking through old pictures, and putting them in an album that I will be able to treasure and reminisce through for years to come.

I am so thrilled will all the changes happening around here, and can't wait to see what comes next!  What did you do in November?  Any big changes happening for you?  Anyone else who can't wait to see what 2014 will bring?  I swear I have never been more excited to start a new year!

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