
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Project Life: 2014 Week 2

I am so thrilled to be finally getting around to posting and sharing the layouts I have completed for 2014 so far.  While I'm still very behind on creating them (week 5 anybody??) I feel relieved to at least be getting these couple weeks up on the blog.  I'm hoping that once I finish backsharing all my layouts, the pressure to keep posting them will help give me the kick in the rear I need to really catch up on scrapping the last 5 months.  So without further ado, here is my week 2 spread for 2014.

I really love seeing the progression of each spread I do.  I'm still pretty new to scrapping, so I'm still figuring out my style.  I was really trying to add some dimension with embellishments in this layout.  I'm pretty much still experimenting at this point, but I'm really liking how my layouts are starting to tun out.

The title card is probably my favorite to work on.  It can sometimes be intimidating working on a card with no picture to work around, but the title cards usually end up being my favorite when all is said and done.

For this title card, I started with a 4x6 journal card, then cut out a piece of white cardstock to cover the center of the card that contained the journaling lines.  This gave me a nice clean slate to start off on, but still let a fun border around the edge.

I then made my own background using strips of washi tape and circles cut out of various decorative papers.  I used some thickers to write out week two, and then wrote in the dates on one of the circles I had cut out.  Then I finished things off with a few enamel dots, my forever favorite embellishment.

On the next page, I again layered some washi tape and a circle cutout to bring some interest to the card, and to balance out the printed design on the left of the card.  This was originally a vertical 4x6 card, that I had used the other side in my week one layout.

In the interest of conserving my cards, I try to make the backs of already placed cards work in the next week.  If I can't it's not a huge deal, but I like to do my best.  I was able to make this card work by simply writing some journaling going up the side of the page, which I occasionally do on my own anyways.  Using the back of the same card meant I had to use the backside of the arrow paperclip at well.  It's not a perfect arrow like the side you're supposed to display, but I decided I didn't mind too much and just left it.

I used the first 4x4 slot to show how I usually spent my hour long lunch breaks.  Having such a long lunch break was a true luxury, and I usually spent it in my car with my planner on my lap.  I loved having that much time to go through my week and add things into my to-do lists.

I used some alpha stamps to stamp for the title of this card.  Then I used various printable cut outs and labels to add some embellishment.  I loved layering the 'Location' stamp on the bottom label.

This next card is another favorite of mine.  I found this awesome pack of polaroid picture wood veneer frames at Michael's, and I think they are just absolutely adorable.  I added a simple #love title to the bottom of the frame using some alpha stamps, and added a decorative 3 in the corner to describe the number of our little family.

The next space was just a filler card, so i decided to have a little fun and play around with a new set of tools I had recently purchased.  The set came with a glue ink pad and some glitter.  I stamped these zig-zags using the glue, and then sprinkled some glitter on top.  I'm still working on stamping the glue perfectly, but I think this is an awesome way to add some fun embellishment to a layout.  Who can resist glitter?

The next card is dedicated to my monthly Studio Calico kit that arrived that week.  I added a white strip of cardstock and some washi to back the picture.  Then I stuck on some printable and wood veneer embellishments.  I finally added the #mysckitishere Instagram hashtag, which is used to share when you receive your monthly kit.  Apparently I was pretty hashtag happy with this layout... that makes three so far.

Next up, I documented my first ever staff meeting.  We discussed a new app we were using to document the daily activities of the kids in our classes.  I am a huge fan of using apps for everything under the sun, so I was really digging this new work app.  I backed a simple screenshot of the lesson planner page, and backed it with some decorative paper and a circular name tag sticking out.

For the next page in the layout, I went back to using a design A page.  I usually try to use one design A and one different page protector per layout.  This way I have one page that is fairly simple to work with since it's so common, and one fun new page to work with.

First up on this page is a sister manicure.  My sister gifted me a free manicure for Christmas, so I cashed in before she could run back to college.  We had a great time getting our nails did and shopping at the mall.

To get the look for this card, I covered half of a 4x6 journaling card with yellow cardstock to make make the picture side.  I then embellished the picture with stamps, washi tape and a geotag.

Next up I wanted to document Dakota's nighttime routine.  She does the same things every night, and in case this ever changes, I wanted to remember her habits.  Every night she crawls into bed and pushes (sometimes very insistently if we're in her way) her way under the covers and lays down.  Then after we have settled in and are finally comfortable ourselves, she crawls back out, pulling all the covers off of us.  It would be a lot more annoying if she weren't so darn cute.

I framed her picture in white cardstock, and used a 'dreamer' tag sticking out between the two layers.  At the bottom I added a title using alpha stickers and a printable label.  I finished off the card with some enamel dots.

Melissa likes to mess with Dakota.  We have hundreds of pictures of our dog with socks on her head, things around her tail, sitting in a shoe, labels stuck to her forehead... the list goes on.  Dakota is never thrilled, but she puts up with her mom's antics.  This time, it was decided that our dog needed to wear a pair of ear muffs Melissa got for Christmas.  Dakota did not think it was as funny as we did, but she sat still long enough to get a couple of shots of her sporting her winter gear.

The next slot was another empty one, so I threw in a jazzed up monthly card.  I used Martha Stewart craft markers to add dots around the J circle, and highlight through the month name.  It's simple, but it filled the spot and added some fun.

Next up I included my completed Project Life planner.  I used a stamp for the title and embellished using various brads and enamel dots.  I really love the colors of this card, and how they play off the colors of the planner pages in the picture.

I used the next spot to write out a more detailed description of that Saturday.  It was packed full of fun and I wanted to remember some more specifics that I hadn't included in other cards.  I used a simple 'best day ever' stamp to title this card.  Apparently I was having trouble with store names while writing this though, and not only did I catch the Target/Michael's mistake, but I completely missed where I wrote Michael's and meant to say Staples!  Guess I'll have to be more careful in the future!

Next up, we had Melissa's mother over for dinner one night.  Melissa made an amazing meal, and set a beautiful table, which I'm sad to say I did not get a picture of.  I was, however, able to get two lovely shots of the flowers Melissa's mom brought with her.  I had a slightly difficult time getting both pictures to fit and work on this card, so I ended up cutting them both into circles so they'd fit and look nice together.

I kept it pretty simple with the embellishment on this one.  I added a date label between the pictures, a stamped flower above the journal, and a sequin flower embellishment in the corner.

If I could change any card in this layout, it would probably be this one.  I'm just not thrilled with the end result.  But I have to keep reminding myself that the goal is practicing and learning what works and what doesn't, not making perfect cards every single time right from the beginning.  The perfectionist in me doesn't like hearing this, but only practice (and a few mistakes) can make perfect.

This final slot probably took the most time I have ever spent on a single card.  I was really inspired by a wooden veneer card sold by Studio Calico.  I loved the look of all the connected bubbles, but didn't get a chance to buy the original card.  So I decided to make my own using my Silhouette and some cardstock.  After taking longer than I'd like to admit designing it in Silhouette Studio, I had my very own bubble card... or whatever you want to call it.

And so ends week 2 of 2014.  It was definitely a good week.  I'm almost glad I waited so long to start blogging about these layouts, so I can really go back and enjoy the memories again.  Almost glad.  I can't wait to get all caught up with both scrapping and blogging about it!

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